Tuesday, November 24, 2009

[What Am I Doing Right Now? (WAIDRN?)
Well....after nearly 30hrs of travel, 14hrs of flight time, 2 delays, and 3 air planes......I got home to Flint LATE Monday evening....thoroughly exhausted. Was so good to sleep in my own bed!

Awoke the next morning....and had to attend a funeral....35 year old black woman...mother of 7....became victim in triple homicide.

Came home and had pre-thanksgiving dinner with my mom!


Lapis Lazuli...the national stone of Chile. Even the SMALL sphinx was $700US...lol....had to leave it....maybe on the next trip.

Here they cut the stones, pour the silver and make the jewelry on site!

This was the ONLY thing I remotely saw that was suggestive of....well....you know.

(and NO....I did not venture.)

Momentous Moments
We were traversing through a city market...when a Colombian man and his family arrested us....with the followin questions and exclamations ...."You Amreicans?! Christians!? My brother! My sister! Picture por favor??!"

We were happy and honored to comply.

Moments later we found ourselves encompassed about by a crowd compelling us to sing.

We sang "Oh Happy Day!"...and some of the locals joined in.

BTW...Oh Happy Day is a chart topping, Grammy-award winning, old-school gospel standard written in 1967 by Edwin Hawkins....and is arguable among the top 5 best internationally know gospel / Christian songs of all times.

Look at all of the cameras lifted to capture the moment.

Notice the men in brown. There was a constant police and military presence in Santiago.

Very reassuring.

Faces in the crowd.
Mind your step!


This man was doing an open air show....spotted us....and then proceeded to use the siting as an opportunity interject stereotypical jokes concerning.....shall we say Black Male mythology.

He was very....colorful...graphic....and demonstrative.
We were a bit surprised by it all.

The crowd seemed to enjoy it.
We played good sports.

Men building something.

This young "charismatic" street preacher was really letting loose on the crowd.

Fire and brimstone!

A prayer team lays hands on and prays for the new converts.

Didn't anticipate seeing this level of Pentecostalism!

Interesting looking statue.

Interesting looking buildings.

Elmeria and Shilda...two mezzos!

Beverly (another mezzo) got her picture on the front page of the local news paper....here she is in feigned astonishment.

Memorial stones...layed in memory of the martyrs of the revolution....this guy was only 19 years old...when he was tortured and killed....100's of other young men and women were abducted, tortured, and were executed by Chile's military dictatorship.......this happened less than 20 years ago!!!....and with full U.S. diplomatic cooperation!!

One of the oldest churches in Santiago.

Another view